Real summer weather and a cycling celebration, you bet, and MEC Burlington’s Bikefest was the best of both. The hot and humid conditions on June 29th were made manageable by the great shoreline breezes coming off of L. Ontario into Hamilton’s Confederation Park, the site for this year’s event.
MEC Bikefests provide a great festival atmosphere, with ample opportunity for fun and interesting events. This year included multiple exhibitors from the cycling community, group rides, free “learn-to” clinics, demo bikes from various manufacturers, a bike obstacle course, track-stand competitions, and even a bike photo-booth!
More pictures can be found at the MEC Burlington Bikefest Flickr page:
As a major Corporate Supporter, we at IMBA Canada appreciate all of the help and support that MEC continues to provide us! Thanks to Ryan, the Burlington Bikefest Coordinator, for an amazing, professional, and fun event!
All Photos courtesy of MEC Burlington.