This past Saturday saw a gathering of many of the players that have been involved in the re-development of the Bayview Bike Park. What started as an impromptu workday on a rainy Sunday in the fall of 2011 has evolved into a continued partnership between Youth Unlimited’s Revolutions Program and IMBA Canada.  Along the way, bike park building newcomer, Ontario Bike Park Construction, also jumped into the fray taking on the task of building a new pumptrack on the site.  All of this was overseen with the strong and encouraging support of the City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry & Recreation department.

Having taken over the stewartship of the Park, Youth Unlimited wanted to recognize many of these players for their contributions over the past year.  Jesse James, the ever energetic frontman of the Revolutions Program, was on hand to present folks with a thank you plaque to each of the organizatons as well as small gifts to individuals, including our trail specialist, Daniel Scott.

IMBA Canada would like to thank YU Revolutions for the recognition.  It has been our privilege and pleasure to work with such a dedicated crew of vibrant, passionate folk who are striving to empower and enhance the lives of urban youth.  Further thank yous to all the other partners who we have had the privilege to work with at Bayview.  We look forward to continuing to work together on further developing the Bayview Bike Park into something even better.

Until then, happy holidays and seasons greetings to everyone.
Be safe and have fun wherever your adventures take you!