A reminder to all natural environment (dirt) trail users in the GTA,
The City of Toronto manages a trail network of nearly 400 km of paved and granular multi-use trails. In addition to these trails, there is an extensive network of informal natural-surface (dirt) trails and pathways within natural area parkland and ravines. These trails are well-used by hikers, dog-walkers, and mountain bikers, and are highly valued as an important part of the recreational trail network.
In 2012, through extensive data collection and community engagement, the City of Toronto will be developing a Natural Environment Trail Strategy that will identify the opportunities, constraints, planning, policies and management strategies required ensure the protection of the City of Toronto’s natural areas while offering safe and enjoyable recreational opportunities for all natural environment trail users.
As part of our ongoing community engagement strategy we want to hear from you! We will be hosting the following information and planning sessions:
- Don and Highland Creek Watersheds Tuesday – September 18th at 6:30pm at the Papermill Theatre and Gallery at Todmorden Mills, 67 Pottery Rd (https://www.toronto.ca/culture/museums/todmorden.htm)
- Etobicoke and Mimico Creeks and the Humber River Watersheds Wednesday – September 19th at 6:30pm at the Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave (https://www.swanseatownhall.ca/).
Please contact us to register for either or both of these events.
For more information on the City of Toronto’s Natural Environment Trail Strategy please visit our website at www.toronto.ca/nets or emailtrails@toronto.ca.