Having been involved with IMBA long before the days of the Canadian office, I am thrilled to see IMBA Canada reach this great milestone: The launch of our very own website!

Until now, IMBACanada.com has always "lived" as pages in the U.S. website — Allowing us access to functionality and communications tools that otherwise would not have been available to us in our start-up — but at the same time causing confusion for our members, creating navigational challenges, and providing for delays in publishing Canadian news and content.

Having a Canadian-specific website is a major step forward in establishing and legitimizing IMBA’s work in Canada, and today marks a significant moment in solidifying our Canadian identity.

We hope you’re as excited as we are!

Special thanks to Mountain Equipment Co-op who helped fund a portion of the website through their Capacity Building Grant program, and to Origin Design + Communications Ltd. who gave it its cool new look!

Learn more about the new imbacanada.com

Let us know what you think of our new website by emailing us at canada[at]imba.com or by posting on our facebook page.

Photo by Sterling Lorence