Trail Solutions.

Trail Solutions is IMBA’s professional fee-based trail consulting program. We offer trail services that range from trail planning, design, and assessment to trail management, education, and volunteer teamwork.

Our organization excels at careful and diligent planning and collaboration to create trail systems that provide high-quality experiences for diverse visitors, minimize environmental impact and user conflict, and require less maintenance over time. We are experienced with trail master planning, risk management planning, community collaboration, GPS/GIS mapping, and more.

Trail Design and Trail Planning

Trail Solutions believes that the success of a trail is highly dependent on both the environmental and social sustainability of the trail. A well-designed trail should cause minimal damage to the surrounding landscape and require minimal maintenance over time. That same trail should also provide the trail user the experience they are seeking. Melding these design parameters is a great challenge. Whether that challenge means designing a shared-use trail that minimizes potential user conflicts or planning a low impact downhill-mountain biking trail, Trail Solutions is up to the task.

Trail Assessment

Most trails and trail systems have developed socially. Beyond getting from here to there, little thought was given to the potential long-term effects of the chosen route or the experience provided along the way. Trail Solutions provides guidance on retrofitting haphazardly developed trail systems into networks that efficiently disperse trail users, provide the experience they are seeking, and do so with minimal long-term environmental impact.

Trail Education

The foundation of a successful trail or system of trails is a high level of knowledge regarding sustainable trail design, construction, and maintenance. Trail Solutions provides custom-designed trail training seminars covering topics ranging from economic/ social development through trails, design and construction of advanced-level mountain biking trails, trail system design, volunteer management, crew leader training, and mechanized trailbuilding.

Project Management

The Trail Solutions staff takes great pride in staying on the cutting edge of innovative trail construction and management strategies. Tackling a project from a hybrid contracting standpoint by training and utilizing volunteer crews, and working cooperatively with other professional trailbuilders. Trail Solutions is flexible and seeks to put the best trail product on the ground within the construction timeframe that is available.