Sustainable Trails Certificate, Sir Sandford Fleming College
Frost Campus, Lindsay, ON
What seemly started as a rumour on the wind a few short years ago has come to be a reality this past spring. Various organizations had been throwing around the idea that Ontario was in need of a method with which to train / educate interested parties on the world of trails. Courses such as Trail Construction, Marketing, and Trail Design comprise this modular college certificate geared to all trail types. IMBA Canada had the honour of participating in the instruction of the design course alongside longtime trail advocate Al MacPherson, landscape architect Bryan Basterfield and accessibility advocate Patti Longsmuir.
Fresh from the PTBA conference, Daniel Scott was given two of the three days to inundate students with as much information has they could handle. They covered an absolute plethora of topics ranging from trail design fundamentals to advanced computer assisted design processes. By the end of the two days, the students had a firm grasp of design theory which they could now put to the test in the program’s follow up course, Trail Construction.
IMBA Canada believes that the creation of this program is just one more step in an overall shift in how trails are perceived and valued within our society. With trained trail builders comes a higher awareness of what is necessary in providing our public with a quality product and ultimately that benefits us all.
For further information on this new and innovative college certificate, click here to download a pdf.