Capilano University’s Mountain Bike Operations 2011
Sechelt, BC
Another successful year has come to pass for the students of Capilano University’s Mountain Bike Operations Program. Situated in beautiful Sechelt, British Columbia, this eight month University certificate program provides students with a myriad of skill sets which can assist them in contributing to the mountain bicycling industry. Courses range from Wilderness First Aid to Mountain Bike Guiding to Event Management and more. IMBA Canada has been involved with this one-of-a-kind program since its inception five years ago. In those five years three of its employees (past or current) having taught at the school while two of its current employees are graduates of the program.
This year saw Daniel Scott assist bike park designer / Norco rider Jay Hoots in teaching the class of 2011 the ins and outs of trail / park design / construction. Their second year teaching together, the instructors were given a chance to introduce new topics and techniques within the curriculum which reflect the shifts in design / build approaches which are being implemented with the profession.
Over the two semester at CapU, 21 students were given the task of designing and constructing two separate trails. The first, situated in Kinnikinnick Park, was to create an introductory section of mountain bicycle optimized singletrack which would eventually act as a gateway trail to future class projects. Working in small groups, the students worked tirelessly, putting to practice the theory discussed in the classroom and within a hectic two week period created a fantastic piece of trail. Not satisfied with their accomplishments, keen students then took on a bonus project and turned the trail into a loop, thereby increases the trail’s short term usability while the long term trail plan awaits completion.
Their second project, conducted during the month of April, was to design and construct an advanced, gravity assisted mountain bicycling trail within SprocKids Park in Gibsons, BC. The trail was to incorporate as many of the various techniques and materials discussed as possible with no fewer than twelve technical trail features. The students developed proposals outlining their trail features, flagged their trail alignments and, after approval, set about building one crazy piece of trail. There were some long days and sleepless nights but the students ultimately put together a trail to rival any on location.
This spring saw the students’ receive recognition from the local media, the District of Sechelt, the Mayor of Sechelt and others for their contribution to the community, youth recreation and mountain biking on the Coast. All of this praise is well earned and the class of 2011 should be proud of their accomplishments over this past eight months. Best of luck to you all in your future endeavours and hope that you will continue to be model ambassadors for the sport of mountain biking which we hold so dear.
For further information regarding this program and registration of 2011-12 please follow the link provided: and check them out on Facebook – Mountain Bike Operations at Capilano University.
WATCH STUDENTS RIDE THE 2010-2011 MOUNTAIN BIKE OPERATIONS CLASS TRAIL ON PINKBIKE! (be warned: soundtrack contains some explitives!)