Getting kids on bikes and out on the trails has been a passion of mine for over ten years. Shortly after I began riding, I volunteered to help out with the Kids of Mud program in my hometown of Winnipeg, MB. Twice a week I had myself a fun group of kids to teach about riding and racing. Being able to share my knowledge and passion for the sport with the kids is such an inspiration to me that no matter where I go, my goal is to continue to help get kids on bikes.

After administering the Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day program for the first time last year I felt the frustrations that our clubs were facing in regards to hosting their events. A huge thank you to Mountain Equipment Co-Op for stepping up as our presenting sponsor of Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day. Because of their generous support we have been able to make some exciting new changes for 2013.

I’ve set some lofty goals this year and I sincerely hope that you can help me achieve them! I want to see a 25% increase in events this year (40 events total), and every province represented. In order to help achieve these goals we’ve been working hard at improving the TAKMBD resources for you! Some improvements made so far:

  • New event host checklist to make your planning easier
  • New posters, press release, and sample email blast to help promote your event
  • New interactive map of events so participants can easily find an event near them
  • Access to our print materials with great resources on taking kids biking
  • Canadian sourced host event packages ready by April 2013 (for events happening prior to the October 5 date)

So please take a moment and head over to the Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day program page and check out what’s new and register your event! If you have further questions please contact Deanne Lazaruk, deanne.lazaruk [at]